Saturday, 3 December 2016

Beautiful Lines From Asa's Songs That Prooves She Is The Queen Of Lyrics

Nigeria is blessed with female singers in Africa but when it comes to

good music,Asa comes to mind.

Dont get me wrong.I don't mean others sing trash.Theis songs are okay.

Ok.let me say personally, i love Asa's songs.

Check out these cool lines

1."You see, if you're walking in a market place Don't throw stones

Even if you do, you just might hit One of your own"

Gotten from "Jailer",Released in 2007.

Beautiful song she has there.

2."Tomorrow is your opportunity to fail Or be successful if you please,

yes indeed Tomorrow is a politician's today

It's the victim of decisions And the future of our children"

From "No one knows tomorrow" released in 2007 also under the same

album with jailer.

3. "I am waiting for one day to succeed

To break down all the boundaries and be free From those who take from

me and mislead me"

This one is from her 2010 album "Beautiful Imperfection"

The song title is "Maybe"

I love that song

4."I know I can't change the past

But as the river keep flowing I'd keep on moving on"

From The song "Moving on"

5."My mama say baby be careful

If anybody comes to say I love you

My papa say baby I warn you

If anybody comes to say I love you

From "Subway"

6."All is not well in the world

One man's truth, another man's lie

The more you see, the less you know"

From "Society" (Album "bed of stones" 2014)

7."Words got around

You talking me down

But I found out"

This is from "Dead again"

8."Why do people believe things they know arent true

When you look into the mirror, who do you see Why do we have to grow to be wise"

She called this one "Quesions"

I know there are many of them but i love these songs

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