Don't under-estimate the power of mothers,no matter how much a man might like or loves you, if his mother says NO! My sister better have a rethink of that relationship.
Men do not
joke with their mothers, a mother might tell her
daughter she doesn’t want her to marry a particular guy; her daughter would protest and
try to convince her mother how much she loves
that guy, very few Nigerian girls actually listen
to their mothers when told not to marry a certain guy.
So it’s finally time to meet the future mother in
law, you’re thinking of ways to make her like
you, make her accept you, make her see you as
the good girl you are or are not; this is probably
one of the hardest and most scariest times of a
woman’s life it is a must his mother should like
and accept you even if his father does accept you and the mother doesn’t you’re still on a long
Are you a slay queen? Skimpy dresser, twerker,
poster of rubbish, online fighter, heavy make-up
applier, the first thing you should notice when you go visit your future mother in law is the
type of phone she uses, Nigerian women are
natural detectives, it’s in our blood there’s no
denying that, immediately you notice this hurriedly log onto your social media accounts
and start deleting, deletes those raunchy
videos, stupid posts, sexy pictures, her son
might like it but definitely not a Nigerian mother in law.
Do not ever let her serve you food! I repeat
never ever let her cook and serve you a meal
when you visit for the first time, a Nigerian
mother in law would test you with everything and nothing pleases them more than knowing you’re hardworking and would never turn their
sons into slaves; when she asks you what
would you like to eat say in this exact manner
“Mama tell me what you would love to eat let
me cook and serve you” she might protest and
call you a visitor but please do not be deceived
follow her to the kitchen and assist and while
you’re there do not stand like a robot, chat her
up make her smile and ASSIST!
Show her you are a prayer warrior, if she
sneezes say “Bless You Ma” if she complains of
backache say “The Lord Will Heal You Soon”
before you eat a meal in her house offer a
prayer, anything you say infuse and quote bible
verses, you can never go wrong with these.
Mothers love to be pampered, on the D-day
your future husband has deemed you worthy to
meet his mother do not go empty handed, go
with a gift be it small or mighty go with one. Do
not dress scantily or shabbily to go visit her, do
not apply heavy make-up, do not make crazy hairstyles even if your man likes you that way,
you aren’t trying to please him it’s his mother
who might have the final say especially if he is
a mummy’s boy.
Learn his language if you’re from different
tribes, nothing pleases a mother more than
conversing with a stranger in her own language,
don’t go there and be forming Oyibo, even white
women have learnt to please our men by
cooking our local meals and learning our
languages if they can do these my sister who
you be? Based on logistics.
Are you a Muslim woman? Do you observe your
5 daily prayers? Do you wear your Hijab often?
Do you go to the mosque? If the answers to
these are NO NO NO And NO! carry your prayer
mat along when going to visit her, show her
you’re devoted Muslim .
Sometimes I look at my Mother and I say haa
dear baby Jesus I don’t want my mother as a
future mother in law biko, why? Because my
brother is her only son and any girl he brings
must have a comma, she’s too short na Ikechukwu, hian but why’s she so tall Nnam?
Oh she’s a tailor, so you didn’t see a graduate
abi? bia Nwokem when will you bring the right woman, I look at her and say but you chased
them all away na, when they sleep over its war,
she monitors when you wake up, how you do
chores, how many worship and praise songs
you can sing during morning devotion and if you
dance worldly during church service lol, but
when she likes you even my brother can’t chase
you away.
Sometimes it takes very little for a Nigerian
mother to love you, most times it takes a whole
lot, it’s always under the guise of “I am doing
what’s best for my son” funny thing is when we
become mothers we exhibit these traits without
even knowing, but do you know what conquers
all these? Love, unconditional love, I have met
girls who have prayed for their future mother in
laws to be dead before her son comes to marry
her, some women go into marriages ready to
battle their future mother in laws, but this is all wrong, Nigerian movies has even made it worse
with the portrayal of mother in laws and how
selfish, mean and diabolical they can be.
The way you treat your mother should be the
way you treat every elderly person, the moment
her son marries you; you are automatically her
child and you should accord her all respect you
would your real mother because one day reverse would be the case and Karma doesn’t
forget, do all the things you did when you met
her, some mothers honestly can push you to
the wall but always chant this Mantra “WHAT IF
By Isabella Ibeji
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